Yoga is an age-old discipline that attempts to enhance a person’s mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being all at once. It has become more well-known in recent years as more people have come to understand how beneficial it is for improving overall health and weight loss. Regular yoga practice has been linked to a number of health advantages, such as less stress, greater calmness, weight loss, and enhanced flexibility. Ten easy yoga poses that have been demonstrated to aid in weight loss as well as offer psychological and physical benefits will be covered in this article.
Yoga poses that help you lose weight
Asana Bhujang (Cobra Pose)
An excellent exercise for strengthening and stabilizing the abdominal muscles is cobra pose. To get into this position, place your palms under your shoulders and lie face down on the mat. Inhale deeply, then lift your upper body off the ground while keeping your lower body motionless. Arch your back. Take a few deep breaths, then relinquish the position and return to the floor very slowly. Because Cobra Pose improves flexibility and stimulates the digestive system, it can aid in weight loss.
Bridge Pose, also known as Setu Bandha Sarvanga Asana.
In Bridge Pose, your thighs, glutes, and lower back will all feel the burn. With your knees bent, place your feet flat on the ground. To ensure that your feet and shoulders are supporting your weight, lift your thighs off the ground. Breathe deeply for a few moments, then slowly release the position. Maintaining this posture improves hormone balance and thyroid function, both of which contribute to weight loss.
Known as the downward-facing dog pose, Adho Mukha Svanasana.
A classic yoga pose called Adho Mukha Savasana stretches and tones many muscles, including the arms, shoulders, legs, and calves. Get down on all fours, tuck your toes, and raise your hips toward the ceiling to form an inverted V position. Brace your abs and place your hands firmly on the floor. This posture boosts metabolism and burns calories, making it ideal for weight loss.
Pose of the Chair, Utkatasana
Strongening the thighs, hips, and lower back, utkatasana, also known as the Chair Pose, is a standing pose. Place both feet together, raise your arms above your head, and squat like you’re sitting in a chair. Keeping your core active, hold the pose for many long breaths. Because it increases muscular mass, strengthens the legs, improves circulation, and speeds up metabolism, the chair pose is beneficial for weight loss.
Triangle Pose, or Utthita Trikonasana
Try the triangle posture, or Trikonasana, to reduce belly fat and improve digestion. With your feet shoulder-width apart, raise one arm above your head and stretch the other toward the floor to form a triangle with your body. This pose helps with weight loss, elongating the waist, and stimulating the abdominal organs.
A dynamic sequence of 12 yoga postures, the Surya Namaskar, often known as the Sun Salutation Suryanamaskar. It’s a full-body exercise program that makes you feel fantastic all over and burn fat. Sun Salutation poses improve blood flow, muscle tone, and flexibility in a number of ways. If you perform Sun Salutations on a daily basis, they are an excellent way to lose weight and burn calories.
“Phalakasana” or “Plank” Pose
You can work your back, shoulders, and abs all at once by using the plank pose. Put yourself in a push-up position by placing your arms straight, your palms flat, and your torso parallel to the floor. As long as you can, hold the pose while keeping your core strong. Practicing the Plank Pose helps strengthen the core, which is important for keeping balance and losing extra weight.
Pose of Warrior (Virabhadrasana)
A series of standing poses known as the Warrior Pose are designed to strengthen the arms, shoulders, and legs. As a result, balance and focus are improved. To get into Warrior Pose, take a step back with one foot into a lunge, bend your front knee, and raise your arms above your head. After taking a few deep breaths in this posture, switch sides. A powerful pose for toning muscles and losing weight is the warrior pose.
Known as the boat position, Navasana.
The Boat Pose is one of the best yoga poses for building core strength and stability. Stretching your legs wide in front of you, take a seat on the mat. Then, raise your feet off the ground and stabilize yourself on your sit bones. Raise your arms till they are parallel to the ground. This posture helps with weight loss by strengthening the core, improving digestion, and engaging the abdominal muscles.
Bow Pose, or Dhanurasana.
The Bow Pose, or Dhanurasana, is a fantastic exercise for building stronger back and abdominal muscles. Bend your knees and reach back to grip your ankles as you raise your torso and thighs off the ground. This posture stretches the entire front body, which helps with digestion and weight loss.